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Elevate your pool and landscape experience: expert advice and solutions for seamless enjoyment.

Elevate your pool and landscape experience: expert advice and solutions for seamless enjoyment.

Pool Heaters

A fireman’s switch is a device installed in a time clock. It turns the heater on 30 minutes after the circulation pump goes on and turns the heater off 30 minutes before the circulation pump goes off. This allows the water to cool down and not...
Recommended H-Series Heaters for Swimming Pools.  Heater Model Pool Surface Area H400 1200 H350 1050 H300 900 H250 750 H200 600 H150 450   Determine the pool surface area by multiplying...
Hayward heaters can be converted to use NG or LP. The heater may require a new gas valve, burner orifices and/or air restrictor plate upon conversion. Hayward offers conversion kits through your local Hayward dealer. A licensed or certified gas professional...
The best way to drain the H100ID1 above ground pool heater is to disconnect the gas and plumbing lines and tilt the heater so all the water is removed. Please make sure to close off the water supply and turn the gas supply off prior to disconnecting...
The best way to save on pool heating costs is to obtain a thermal barrier. Most of a pool’s heat is lost during the evening, through evaporation. By using a solar cover or other thermal barrier, less heat is lost and less gas is needed to bring...
There are specific venting requirements and clearance distances that must be met to ensure proper operation. Consult the owner’s manual for exact specifications for your model of heater.  NOTE: Gas fired heaters should be diagnosed and ...
The thermostat may be set too low.  Inadequate gas supply.  Malfunctioning thermostat.  You are losing heat faster then you are adding it. (If the heat loss in the pool is greater than the heat input, the heater might be too small...
The heat exchanger may be leaking because:  (1) Chemical imbalance.  (2) Sanitizer damage.  (3) Winter freeze damage. (4) Failed joints.  Regardless of the reason, a Hayward service company must be contacted...
Make sure the unit is not in Cool only Mode.  Hold - & + a the together for .5 seconds then either - or + to switch between modes (A) Auto, (C) Cool, (H) Heat mode.  Page 19 of the manual.
The HDF400 may produce a few ounces to a couple of gallons of condensation per hour.  The water can be tested with a strip to determine whether it is pool water or condensation.