Pool Filters
The valve seat gasket inside of the valve may have become worn or loose. If this is the case, you will need to replace the gasket. With the pump off, remove the cover screws of the valve.
NOTE: Mark the top and bottom of the valve with a marking pen...
A dirty filter maybe the problem. When the filter pressure rises 8-10 PSI over the clean starting pressure, it is time to backwash or clean the filter
If there is algae in the pool, it maybe clogging the filter, keeping the pressure high. The filter...
The Diatomaceous Earth (DE) filter contains filter elements that are either curved grids or Flex tubes (long finger-like tubes). They are covered in a fabric on which the DE forms a coating. The DE acts as a filter by permitting water to filter through...
D.E. filters filter the water down to 1-3 microns, every time the water passes through the filter. Maintain a balanced clear pool and this will reduce incidents of rapid pressure rise. One possibility is that the filter grids or Flex tubes are clogged...
When a DE filter is properly backwashed you will be removing about 80-90% of the DE. Remaining DE may be clumped in the corners of the filter or caked in the middle. This is common. After backwashing, new DE must be added to the filter. Add the entire...
DE is added through the skimmer with the pump running. Each filter has a different requirement of DE. At initial start up or after a thorough cleaning, the filter will need to be pre-coated with DE. The filter label will state the amount of DE required...
There are only a handful of reasons DE is leaking into the pool. They vary depending on which DE filter you have.(a) Vertical Grid: (1) Too much DE was added. (2) Tear in the...
Vertical Grid: When the filter pressure rises 8-10 PSI over the clean starting pressure, the filter must be backwashed. Turn off the pool pump. Rotate the multiport valve to backwash position or slide the slide valve up. When the pump is turned on...
The sand filter tank is round or egg shaped. The sand contained in the filter strains the impurities from the water as the water passes through the sand. The sand filter uses a multiport valve to direct the water through the filter or out to backwash...
Make sure you are following the instructions in your Hayward owner’s manual. The sand bed may be clogged with mineral deposits or other material that will not backwash away. Some calcium based chlorines and other alternative sanitizers ...