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Elevate your pool and landscape experience: expert advice and solutions for seamless enjoyment.

Elevate your pool and landscape experience: expert advice and solutions for seamless enjoyment.

Energy Efficiency

Depending on the size of your pool, filtration equipment, and heating requirements, your energy driven equipment may operate up to 12 hours per day to properly circulate your water for effective filtration. A small increase in efficiency can yield ...
Invest in a pool controller or timer.  Use a pool cover or thermal blanket on your pool when it's not in use. Evaporation accounts for 70% of heat loss from your pool.  Add wind breaks to your pool. (A 7-mph wind at the surface of a pool...
Depending upon utility rates, pool characteristics, and equipment selected, your savings can be significant. It is possible to recoup the premium cost of an upgrade from standard equipment to energy efficient equipment in the first year of operation...
Please visit Hayward Energy Solutions(opens in a new tab) for more information on our energy effient products such as the TriStar...